Archives for category: Beauty

I adore these invites! Little Miss Press is the best thing that has happened to design in a while. It is a mix of vintage, quirky and fantastic which is what I look for in personalizing an event.

After discovering Little Miss Press (thank you Kristin), I have done a bit of a googling and read nothing but the most pleasant reviews! Everyone raves about her unique sense of style and how she makes your vision a reality. Little Miss Press offers calligraphy for the additional personal touch.

I was just scrolling through the blog and correct me if I am wrong but I haven’t shared any photos from my trip to Minneapolis!! I can not believe this to be honest because we had a fantastic tine and by the way it was a freezing (weather was -5). Spring is fast approaching and I think this is my last chance to show pictures of us frolicking in the snow.

I am so excited for the weekend on another note. I have a few shots to share of Mexico still! I guess tho can wait till next week. Enjoy your days off!


HBO undoubtedly has the best television shows around. Mildred Pierce, their latest mini series has hit the mark. The acting/actors are superb – I love Kate Winslet, she is a delight to watch in this role. This mini series has only furthered my love of 1930’s fashion and Oscar-winning costume designer Ann Roth.

I am unbelievably sad this show is already over!

Oh. My. Jeez! I just these shoes. They are too beautiful for words. I love the navy and the lace!

I am excited for 70’s inspired sky high heels! You can owe the above shoes to Nicholas Kirkwood Fall 2011 collection.

Here are a few photographs from my latest discovery – W. Scott Chester photography! These photos are so beautiful, they capture the intimacy of the wedding and every detail. I must say I am very pleased that i have this bit of inspiration!

Spring is here and I adore it. The weather is magical, the flowers are beautiful and I feel extremely happy. I am pleased it is Friday; I intend to do a bit of work but mostly play and catch up with family.

The weather in San Francisco is perfect right now. It is an easy 70 degrees! After all of the rain we have had, I am seriously ready to wear summer dress and sandals. Ok..enough gushing about the weather – Today we have Kim from Desire to Inspire to share her wonder list of Little Luxuries!

Kim from Desire to Inspire:

Having time most evenings to be able to cook a decent meal (and in a decent kitchen now that it’s been gutted and redone).

Spending time with my cats (any or all 7 of them).

Being able to buy a funky pair of boots online, just because I felt like it.

Hanging out with my nieces and nephew (this is Gianna, my younger sister’s daughter).

njoying some goodies from a bakery in my ‘hood (Art Is In Bakery)

Receiving a parcel all the way from Australia, from my blog partner Jo, typically filled with fun thrifted finds.

Finally having a cottage in the family (thanks to my younger sister and her husband) that we can hang out at on weekends.

Woo hoo it is Thursday which means Little Luxuries is back and one of my daily reads is up today to share her finds with us. Not Your Average Ordinary is written by Brandi who I would categorize as a Renaissance woman! She can blog about anything (fashion, love, life, design, etc) and she is currently studying philosophy of science and science studies. Brandi’s blog has this unique ability to always makes me smile.

As a graduate student, I have to be very careful about my money. Or so I tell myself. But in reality, when it comes to weekends at the farmer’s market, I splurge. I can’t help myself. Somehow eating delicious food keeps me happy and sane when the schoolwork piles up. My favorite splurges at the market? Pastured eggs and flowers.

Of course, I had to also buy the farmer’s egg crate from Anthropologie to go with my farm fresh eggs. And the difficulty with Anthropologie is that one little splurge leads to another for the kitchen (like a butter dish) which leads to an apron which leads to a dress (because the dress looks darling with the apron). It’s strange but sometimes it’s these splurges that help us to lead the life we want to. You have to start sometime, I think, and now is always the perfect time.

{all photographs by Brandi Bernoskie}

ps. Happy Birthday Mom!