Remember Brieanne from Chalk + Dot from here, my last Blogger Spotlight? She and her partner, Erica, are now kicking off part II of the Little Luxuries guest posts!

To us at chalk + dot, little luxuries are those small(ish) things that can make a big difference in how you feel.  Sometimes they might be a financial splurge, but if that single splurge brings delight over and over again, I think the price gets balanced out.  Here is a list that we came up with for our idea of luxury.

1.  A black DVF dress.  Works for all occasions and I know it will always fit me — she knows a woman’s shape.  Everyone needs a DVF dress.

2.  Mason Pearson Brush.  Makes your hair glossy!

3.  An oversized wine glass.  I’m not talking a goblet or anything.  But a nice oversized wine glass (you don’t have to put more in – but you can) feels more special than the standard size.  It’s an easy change-up to make a night special.

4.  Coconut oil (as lotion).  Makes your skin feel silky smooth, and makes you feel a little bit like you’re on vacation.  Mix some with your favorite summer lotion or some aloe for an extra feeling of escape.

5.  A brow wax.  Nothing to improve your self-esteem than getting rid of scraggly eyebrows.  Gives a more polished look immediately.

6.  A nice pair of underwear.  Not many may see it, but you know it’s there.  It’s like your own sexy secret.

Thanks to Maya for asking us to participate–we had a great time!