Dear Friends. This week has been positively bright with good feelings and all the good things that go along with it. So many wonderful items, designs and projects have come across my desk lately. I get so excited. There seems to be so much inspiration floating around and luckily people are taking hold of it and turning it into beautiful clothes, food or art. As a generation, I feel that we are destined to be entrepreneurs – to make our own path. I have friends starting blogs, creating their own companies, trying to turn their passion into their career and it all started from their heart, a bit of inspiration and the desire to succeed on their own. I am smitten with this – I am smitten with what could be and where we may go.

I have the feeling that this is just beginning. I hope to see much more from all of you and from me…of course!

ps. part II of Little Luxuries will be next week lovies